“Spirit-Rider and Night-Heart", is a performance of shadow puppetry and song, set to Georgia Beatty's album "Apprentice to Transformation" with Maisie O'Brien using cut paper puppets on overhead projector. The story told is of Spirit-Rider, a lost horse rider looking for a mystical drum in search of their heartbeat. What happens when the sky ancestor Night-Heart intervenes? There's only one way to find out..."
• Fall & Summer Tour 2023 Closing Notes •
JUNE 12–18
Huge thanks to the people and places that helped us bring our first show to so many participants in Summer 2023. Special thanks to all involved at Grey Matter Books in New Haven, Black Cherry Puppet Theater in Baltimore, Sunview Luncheonette in Brooklyn, and Studio 34 Yoga in Philadelphia. Special special thank yous to Austin Larkin, Zach Rowden, Stella Silbert, Joe Moffett, Michael Lamason, Sam Grossman, Liz Downing, Greg Hatem, Webb Crawford, Matt Mahoney, Morgan Fitzpatrick-Andrews, Rachel O'Hanlon-Rodriguez, and Jared Williams.
I am so grateful to have been able to perform this piece again so soon this Fall. Georgia and I would like to thank all who helped us make it to The Birdhouse in Lambertville, NJ, the Maryland Center for History and Culture in Baltimore, Rhizome D.C. in Washington, The Open Kitchen Sculpture Garden in Philadelphia, Sisters Bar and Restaurant in Brooklyn, and 10 Forward in Greenfield, MA. Coordinating this loop would not have been possible without Bronwyn Bird and Justin Nawn, Chloe Green and Valeska Populoh, Layne Garrett, Rachel Gates and Melissa Hyatt-Foss, Pedro Ospina and Priscilla, Zosha Warpeha, Craig Schenker, and Carmen Rothwell,
Webb Crawford, and Stella Silbert and Ananya Ganesh.
It's been a privilege to work and play with all of you.